Instant PDF Password Protector is the Free tool to quickly Password Protect any PDF documents on your system.
Spamcc is a powerful, safe spam filter. It can help you block spam and pick up useful e-mail from your inbox. Spamcc automatically checks and retrieves your e-mail messages from multi accounts. With the program, you can preview message in HTML or plain text, or directly delete unwanted messages on the server. Spamcc uses many kinds of filters technology to detect spam. It also supports message and attachment filter.
Do you want to encrypt your PDF documents? New PDF Encrypter is the thing you need. It is fast, money saving and most handy. PDF Encrypter allows you to set User Password as well as Owner Password. Be sure that no stranger can get access to your file. Besides, there is a wide range of user permissions. For example you can permit to copy and print the file but forbid to modify it.
No Autorun is an easy to use application that blocks virus in USB flash / disk from auto-running. When a USB disk is inserted, this tool not only locks the autorun.inf file, but also locks all the autorun-related virus. Most software of the same kind just delete autorun.inf and leave the virus file.
This DVD5 ISO image file contains the security updates for Windows released on Windows Update on February 9th, 2010. The image does not contain security updates for other Microsoft products. This DVD5 ISO image is intended for administrators that need to download multiple individual language versions of each security update and that do not use an automated solution such as Windows Server Update Services (WSUS).
Website Blocker | Porn Blocker | Parental Control Solution for Home, Office, and Network. how to block a website, how to block websites, porn blocker, website blocker, block websites, parental control, parental controls, parental control software, parental control software, youtube parental controls, chrome parental controls, how to block porn, block porn, site blocker, content filter, content filtering, block website
Undetectable Keylogger - new version released! It's like a hidden surveillance camera pointed directly at your computer monitor! Undetectable Keylogger is a superior stealth monitoring and surveillance application that can secretly record information on your PC: websites visited, usernames, passwords, screenshots, incoming and outgoing emails + more. Undetectable Keylogger is really undetectable! More at
TrustPort Internet Security 2011 provide total protection of computer and data from malware and online threats. The program detects viruses and spyware at all entry points to the computer and prevents attempts by hackers to access the computer. It enables not only the continuous monitoring of files being opened but at the same time also scans files from incoming electronic mail or downloaded from the web.It acts as a antivirus and antispyware.
The GSA A/V Guard is a program designed to monitor a place by video or audio. It can be used to monitor your small child over audio to have a universal long distance baby phone. Furthermore you can monitor your office room by video. The alert messages will be transmitted over a mobile, handy or computer modem and is therefor not limited to any distance. This is the ultimate low cost and still high quality security system and theft safety device.
This DVD5 ISO image is intended for administrators that need to download multiple individual language versions of each security update and that do not use an automated solution such as Windows Server Update Services (WSUS). You can use this ISO image to download multiple updates in all languages at the same time.
Encrypt Internet surfing data, and protect online privacy when using the Internet in potentially unsafe locations, such as unprotected WiFi hotspots in hotels or cafes.
Iperius Backup est l'un des meilleurs logiciel de sauvegarde gratuit, également publié dans des éditions commerciales pour ceux qui ont besoin de fonctionnalités de sauvegarde avancées pour leur entreprise. La version gratuite d'Iperius Backup vous permet de sauvegarder vers n'importe quel périphérique de stockage de masse, tels que NAS, disques durs externes USB, lecteurs RDX, et les ordinateurs en réseau. Il inclut la planification globale et les fonctions de l'envoi d'e-mails. Il prend en charge la compression zip sans limite de taille, la sauvegarde incrémentielle, l'authentification réseau et l'exécution des scripts et des programmes externes.
Kaspersky anti-virus vous protège contre les sites de Phishing et les logiciels malveillants que vous ne le savez sinon tentent de vous voler. Dans le même temps, le Kaspersky Security Network permet à votre ordinateur au rapport lorsqu'il détecte une menace qui n'a pas été vu avant. Tous les 250 millions d'utilisateurs de Kaspersky bénéficient de notre connaissance ! Kaspersky caractéristiques comprennent : protège des virus, chevaux de Troie, vers, spyware, adware scanne les fichiers, courrier électronique et internet protège instantanée messagers protège des inconnu menaces analyse de trafic et ferme les vulnérabilités d'Internet Explorer désactive des liens vers des sites malveillants / sites de phishing bloque la surveillance mondiale menace (Kaspersky Security Network) tous les types de keyloggers automatique de base de données mises à jour gratuites soutien Note technique : il s'agit d'un essai commercial de 30 jours.