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Logiciel de sécurité Télécharger maintenant des logiciels de sécurité et l'application gratuite. antivirus et antispyware
ActivTrak 3.47

ActivTrak 3.47  3896 

Activtrak is a powerful employee monitoring software that allows managers to monitor computer use within their company or department. What makes Activtrak unique is its strategy of building statistics based on the caption of the active window, i.e. the title bar. Depending on the application, the caption will contain the name of the document, the website, the subject of the email or other detailed information on the actual work being done.

Outlook Password Dump 5.0

Outlook Password Dump 5.0 Version gratuite 3896 

Free Command-line based Outlook Password Recovery Tool

Norton Internet Security 2011

Norton Internet Security 2011  3895 

Powerful, fast protection to email, shop and bank online without worry * Delivers the industry’s fastest security suite for protection from online dangers . * Lets you shop, bank and visit social networks with confidence. * Updates automatically and offers easy-to-use features. * Parental control management lets you keep a watchful eye on your kids’ online activities.

JRecoverer for MySQL Passwords 1.5.0

JRecoverer for MySQL Passwords 1.5.0  3895 

Audit and recovery of MySQL passwords. Account information import from databases. Password recovery using dictionary attacks, brute force attacks, hybrid dictionary/brute force attacks, precomputed hashes attacks. Generation of reports on recovered passwords.

Vov Password Generator 1.5

Vov Password Generator 1.5 Version gratuite 3892 

Quickly generate passwords for your accounts, using any character set you prefer, with this lightweight, minimalistic application. The widespread use of password managers has also increased the demand for password generators. While many applications already offer this functionality, a standalone tool that can help you create a secure random, password may still come in handy.

Guarded Key 1.2.2

Guarded Key 1.2.2  3892 

Guarded Key uses encrypted database to store all your online identities. For each online account you specify Provider (domain), Sign In Id, Password and Login Url (web address used by automatic sign in). This information is encrypted with 4096-bit key which is unique for each user. When starting Guarded Key you enter username and password (this is the only password you have to remember) and the application shows list of all your online accounts.

Secure Wipe 1.0

Secure Wipe 1.0 Version gratuite 3889 

* Secure Wipe is small utility that runs in the background which allows you to completely remove sensitive data from your hard drive by overwriting it several times with carefully selected patterns. * Most people have some data that they would rather not share with others – passwords, personal information. * Perhaps you have saved some of this information on your computer where it is conveniently at your reach, but when the time

ESET SysInspector (64 bit)

ESET SysInspector (64 bit) Version gratuite 3887 

ESET SysInspector is a free, state of the art diagnostic tool for Windows x 64bit systems. It is also an integral part of ESET Smart Security 4 and ESET NOD32 Antivirus 4. It peers into your operating system and captures details such as running processes, registry content, startup items and network connections. Once a snapshot of the system is made, ESET SysInspector applies heuristics to assign a risk level for each object logged.

Aplus PDF Encrypt and Decrypt

Aplus PDF Encrypt and Decrypt  3887 

PDF Encrypter and decrypter software can secure PDF file from banned users also release security for using functionality. Application has option to insert user and owner password on PDF file as well as restricted PDF page permission. In this way you can protect your valuable document form other human beings. Other hand by using this program you can release all security and restrictions those apply in past and use all functionality.

RememberMe 1.9

RememberMe 1.9 Version gratuite 3887 

RememberMe is a free password manager that securly stores your passwords using 128-bit AES encryption and a password protected, encrypted database to ensure you are the only user that can access your passwords. It allows you to create custom categories and multiple profiles for better organization. It can also generate passwords for you.

Security Release ISO Image February 2011 KB913086

Security Release ISO Image February 2011 KB913086 Version gratuite 3886 

This DVD5 ISO image is intended for administrators that need to download multiple individual language versions of each security update and that do not use an automated solution such as Windows Server Update Services (WSUS). You can use this ISO image to download multiple updates in all languages at the same time.

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Meilleures applications pour Logiciel de sécurité L'équipe de rédaction

Iperius Backup 3.8.2

Iperius Backup 3.8.2

Iperius Backup est l'un des meilleurs logiciel de sauvegarde gratuit, également publié dans des éditions commerciales pour ceux qui ont besoin de fonctionnalités de sauvegarde avancées pour leur entreprise. La version gratuite d'Iperius Backup vous permet de sauvegarder vers n'importe quel périphérique de stockage de masse, tels que NAS, disques durs externes USB, lecteurs RDX, et les ordinateurs en réseau. Il inclut la planification globale et les fonctions de l'envoi d'e-mails. Il prend en charge la compression zip sans limite de taille, la sauvegarde incrémentielle, l'authentification réseau et l'exécution des scripts et des programmes externes.

Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2013

Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2013

Kaspersky anti-virus vous protège contre les sites de Phishing et les logiciels malveillants que vous ne le savez sinon tentent de vous voler. Dans le même temps, le Kaspersky Security Network permet à votre ordinateur au rapport lorsqu'il détecte une menace qui n'a pas été vu avant. Tous les 250 millions d'utilisateurs de Kaspersky bénéficient de notre connaissance ! Kaspersky caractéristiques comprennent : protège des virus, chevaux de Troie, vers, spyware, adware scanne les fichiers, courrier électronique et internet protège instantanée messagers protège des inconnu menaces analyse de trafic et ferme les vulnérabilités d'Internet Explorer désactive des liens vers des sites malveillants / sites de phishing bloque la surveillance mondiale menace (Kaspersky Security Network) tous les types de keyloggers automatique de base de données mises à jour gratuites soutien Note technique : il s'agit d'un essai commercial de 30 jours.