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Logiciel de sécurité Télécharger maintenant des logiciels de sécurité et l'application gratuite. antivirus et antispyware
Deskman Pro 9.0.7437.37138

Deskman Pro 9.0.7437.37138  3520 

Desktop security management for home users and system administrators alike. Home users need a simple way of protecting their computers on coffee breaks, or restraining access to their desktop on shared computer environments. System administrators require an effective tool to stop users from messing up the desktop, or apply tight security measures. Deskman is the tool of choice for its simplicity and effectivity.

Free iTunes Backup Unlocker

Free iTunes Backup Unlocker Version gratuite 3520 

Have you ever password-protect your iTunes backup files but now you forget iPhone backup password? You want to restore contacts, messages, photos, and notes from iTunes backup file but it’s encrypted. If this is your case, don’t get disappointed, Free iTunes Backup Unlocker is exactly your great rescue. It can help you recover lost iTunes backup password without any damage to your backup data.

idoo Private Encryption 2.2

idoo Private Encryption 2.2  3519 

idoo Private Disk Encryption provides various solutions for your data security on different devices. It can easily encrypt USB memories, HDD, SD cards and other storage devices. By creating an encrypted virtual hard drive on the storage device, you can save and read any file quickly.

Appnimi MD5 Decrypter 1.0

Appnimi MD5 Decrypter 1.0 Version gratuite 3519 

Appnimi MD5 Decrypter helps in decrypting any MD5 hash. In appropriate infrastructure it works at a speed of more than 1 million words/second. One of the fastest true MD5 Decrypter available in the market. Above all it is FREE.

VaySoft Image to EXE Converter 4.52

VaySoft Image to EXE Converter 4.52  3519 

VaySoft Image to EXE Converter is an application that help you convert image file to professional strongly protected self-running EXE files. Only permited user can view the images, it can protect the Image files, and it is impossible to get the original image files in the computer hard disk.

Screen Watermark For Business

Screen Watermark For Business  3518 

You can print the desired watermark on the screen. This screen watermark does not affect the running of other programs. Also, Up to 4 texts and images can be used as watermark. Features * Displays watermark on the monitor. * Dual monitor support * Support Active Directory (AD) , SSO * Support Export/Import policies * The watermark displayed on the monitor has no effect on existing programs.

SecretBurner 1.1

SecretBurner 1.1  3518 

SecretBurner is a system utility that destroys all sensitive or confidential information on your computer. SecretBurner's secure delete and wipe algorithms make it impossible for your data to be undeleted or recovered by any known computer forensics technique. SecretBurner lets you permanently delete files that may contain sensitive information, including records of your online and offline activities, internet history, browser cookies, passwords

JRecoverer for Cassandra Passwords 1.0.0

JRecoverer for Cassandra Passwords 1.0.0  3518 

Audit and recovery of Cassandra passwords. Account information import from databases. Password recovery using dictionary attacks, brute force attacks, hybrid dictionary/brute force attacks. Generation of reports on recovered passwords.

Alternate Password DB 3.170

Alternate Password DB 3.170 Version gratuite 3517 

Alternate Password DB is a small and easy to use utility to fely store all your passwords. With only one password you get access to the crypted data (BLOWFISH 256 bit). This entries can be stored in folders and subfolders. Cut/Copy/Paste of these entries are possible. Password files can be converted to an executable file, which can be ported on USB-stick or other moveable drives without the need to install this program.

Email Encryption End-to-End 14.16

Email Encryption End-to-End 14.16  3516 

'Email Encryption End-to-End' is for sending and receiving encrypted email messages (up to 60 KB, optionally with an appended file of any type) and is designed to be both secure and easy to use. It works with any email program including Outlook Express. It uses a symmetric key method; thus the key used for decryption is the same as the key used for encryption. It is bilingual English/German and works with text in languages other than English.

Advanced Folder Safe

Advanced Folder Safe Version gratuite 3516 

Lock your private files and folders with Advanced Folder Safe software, you can encrypt all file types (text, office documents, pdf, mp3, images, database files, vedio and more), Advanced Folder Safe provide a real bit per bit data encryption, Advanced Folder Safe offer the following features:- file encryption for all file types, - password protect your important folders, - no one can open locked folders without valid password

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Meilleures applications pour Logiciel de sécurité L'équipe de rédaction

Iperius Backup 3.8.2

Iperius Backup 3.8.2

Iperius Backup est l'un des meilleurs logiciel de sauvegarde gratuit, également publié dans des éditions commerciales pour ceux qui ont besoin de fonctionnalités de sauvegarde avancées pour leur entreprise. La version gratuite d'Iperius Backup vous permet de sauvegarder vers n'importe quel périphérique de stockage de masse, tels que NAS, disques durs externes USB, lecteurs RDX, et les ordinateurs en réseau. Il inclut la planification globale et les fonctions de l'envoi d'e-mails. Il prend en charge la compression zip sans limite de taille, la sauvegarde incrémentielle, l'authentification réseau et l'exécution des scripts et des programmes externes.

Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2013

Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2013

Kaspersky anti-virus vous protège contre les sites de Phishing et les logiciels malveillants que vous ne le savez sinon tentent de vous voler. Dans le même temps, le Kaspersky Security Network permet à votre ordinateur au rapport lorsqu'il détecte une menace qui n'a pas été vu avant. Tous les 250 millions d'utilisateurs de Kaspersky bénéficient de notre connaissance ! Kaspersky caractéristiques comprennent : protège des virus, chevaux de Troie, vers, spyware, adware scanne les fichiers, courrier électronique et internet protège instantanée messagers protège des inconnu menaces analyse de trafic et ferme les vulnérabilités d'Internet Explorer désactive des liens vers des sites malveillants / sites de phishing bloque la surveillance mondiale menace (Kaspersky Security Network) tous les types de keyloggers automatique de base de données mises à jour gratuites soutien Note technique : il s'agit d'un essai commercial de 30 jours.