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Logiciel de sécurité Télécharger maintenant des logiciels de sécurité et l'application gratuite. antivirus et antispyware
Fenrir Password Decryptor 1.5

Fenrir Password Decryptor 1.5 Version gratuite 3410 

Free Fenrir Pass Connect Account Password Recovery Software

DeCypherIT 2.0.6

DeCypherIT 2.0.6 Version gratuite 3409 

DecypherIT is a freeware utility, part of the award winning suite of products from Cypherix®. This utility allows you to decrypt the encrypted files generated by Cryptainer and Secure IT. It is very easy to use. Simply point to the location of the encrypted file and enter the password. That's it !. Click here to download DeCypherIT, a free utility from Cypherix®.

iNinja VPN 2.14.4

iNinja VPN 2.14.4 Version gratuite 3409 

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Portable Cookie Monster 3.47

Portable Cookie Monster 3.47 Version gratuite 3409 

Cookie Monster is a small utility designed to manage cookies created by the most usual Windows browsers: Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Firefox, Google Chrome and Opera (only basic support for this one). It also works with any Gecko-based browser and most of the browsers based in Internet Explorer.

Prey 1.9.4

Prey 1.9.4 Version gratuite 3408 

Prey lets you keep track of your phone or laptop at all times, and will help you find it if it ever gets lost or stolen. It's lightweight, open source software, and free for anyone to use. And it just works. You can quickly find out where your computer is located, who's using it, and what he's doing on it thanks to Prey's powerful reports system.

PassWd Mgr 1.0

PassWd Mgr 1.0 Version gratuite 3408 

PassWd Mgr is a tiny password management utility just 200k(approx.). It can generate and store several passwords in encrypted form with just one master password. So no need to remember several passwords or use one password for several websites just remember one master password and stay secure.

Cryptosystem ME6 12.46

Cryptosystem ME6 12.46  3407 

Cryptosystem ME6 is a Windows program which uses a symmetric key encryption system to encrypt information in either a single file or in multiple files (at once) so that it cannot be read by those not knowing the key. Data is encrypted using a key which is from 16 to 64 characters long, and which can be either a phrase or a sequence of 64 random bytes (the software provides a way for you to generate such random keys).

Cryptnos 1.3.3

Cryptnos 1.3.3 Version gratuite 3407 

Cryptnos combines a unique "site token" such as a website domain name with a master password and runs this data through a cryptographic hash algorithm to produce a password that is unique, lengthy, seemingly random yet completely repeatable.

4K-Crypt 2.21

4K-Crypt 2.21  3406 

Cryptoprotect utility "4K-Crypt" is simple program for encryption/decryption of any files. It is intended for zipping and providing confidentiality of stored or transmitted information. It uses library for encryption and digital signature according to ISO-8730 standard. After installing the program, "4K-Crypt" menu will be available from MS Windows explorer context menu. As a key for encryption of data, the program uses an 8-digit numeric code.

TakeABreak 1.0

TakeABreak 1.0 Version gratuite 3406 

This application simply pops up a message after a specific amount of minutes passed (by default 20 minutes), the message tells the user to "Take a break" - this message continues to appear until the break time ends. When the break time ends, the computer will play a sound and turn the screen back on to let the user know the break time is over and he can now use his computer again, until the next break.

Myspace Password Decryptor 5.0

Myspace Password Decryptor 5.0 Version gratuite 3406 

Myspace Password Recovery Software

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Meilleures applications pour Logiciel de sécurité L'équipe de rédaction

Iperius Backup 3.8.2

Iperius Backup 3.8.2

Iperius Backup est l'un des meilleurs logiciel de sauvegarde gratuit, également publié dans des éditions commerciales pour ceux qui ont besoin de fonctionnalités de sauvegarde avancées pour leur entreprise. La version gratuite d'Iperius Backup vous permet de sauvegarder vers n'importe quel périphérique de stockage de masse, tels que NAS, disques durs externes USB, lecteurs RDX, et les ordinateurs en réseau. Il inclut la planification globale et les fonctions de l'envoi d'e-mails. Il prend en charge la compression zip sans limite de taille, la sauvegarde incrémentielle, l'authentification réseau et l'exécution des scripts et des programmes externes.

Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2013

Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2013

Kaspersky anti-virus vous protège contre les sites de Phishing et les logiciels malveillants que vous ne le savez sinon tentent de vous voler. Dans le même temps, le Kaspersky Security Network permet à votre ordinateur au rapport lorsqu'il détecte une menace qui n'a pas été vu avant. Tous les 250 millions d'utilisateurs de Kaspersky bénéficient de notre connaissance ! Kaspersky caractéristiques comprennent : protège des virus, chevaux de Troie, vers, spyware, adware scanne les fichiers, courrier électronique et internet protège instantanée messagers protège des inconnu menaces analyse de trafic et ferme les vulnérabilités d'Internet Explorer désactive des liens vers des sites malveillants / sites de phishing bloque la surveillance mondiale menace (Kaspersky Security Network) tous les types de keyloggers automatique de base de données mises à jour gratuites soutien Note technique : il s'agit d'un essai commercial de 30 jours.