Command-line Tool to Remotely Detect Type of Directory Servers
LocK-A-FoLdeR 64-bit is a lightweight and easy to use security software that allows you to protect any folder on your…
Chrome Privacy Guard is a small tool that automatically deletes the unique Client ID before each run of Google Chrome.…
Netwrix Password Manager gives end users ability to securely manage their passwords and resolve account lockouts in a self-service fashion…
Netwrix Web-based Password Change for Active Directory is a freeware product that provides a very simple web page for self-service…
Appnimi ZIP Instant Unlocker can be used to unlock a password protected zip file instantly.After unlock your zip file it…
NetWrix Password Manager gives end users ability to securely manage their passwords and resolve account lockout incidents in a self-service…
Billy is an audio player that allows you to quickly play an entire directory of MP3 files. It can usually…
Resonic is a slick audio player and browser / directory player, built around a big waveform view/frequency analyzer. It plays…
Vov Music Player is a small, fast and efficient audio player which can play mp3, wma and wav files. Its…