Résultat de la recherche - Disable

Disk Drive Administrator 10.02

Disk Drive Administrator 10.02  4211 

Hide, lock and protect your local, network, Floppy and USB drives, and disable the AutoRun feature for them. Control access…

AccessPatrol 4.4

AccessPatrol 4.4  5090 

With the influx of portable storage devices and removable media, data theft is becoming an increasing threat to organizations. Devices…

Cayo Policy Manager for Active Directory 1.0.1

Cayo Policy Manager for Active Directory 1.0.1 Version gratuite 5804 

Cayo Policy Manager(tm) provides the missing layer of automated IT Policy and business rule enforcement for Active Directory (AD). Demanded…

Admit One 1.52

Admit One 1.52 Version gratuite 4297 

Admit One lets you enable and disable all Windows access password prompts with one mouse click. Relax security at home…

Lock My Computer 10.0

Lock My Computer 10.0  4402 

Desktop security solution for personal or publicly accessible computers. It disallows unauthorized changes to various settings of the Windows system,…

1st Security-Administrator 14.0

1st Security-Administrator 14.0  4510 

Protect PC, restrict access to Windows applications, password-protect boot, apply access restrictions to PC, protect your privacy, deny access to…

Bulletproof Public PC 7.71

Bulletproof Public PC 7.71  4354 

Comprehensive solution to produce public PC and kiosk desktop terminals that are intended to work without supervision. Disable access to…

Outlook Express Privacy 2.394

Outlook Express Privacy 2.394  4127 

Control access to Outlook Express and its email message database. When you enable protection, the program disables access to the…

File Access Scheduler 5.1292

File Access Scheduler 5.1292  4263 

Protect your files from being executed, viewed, changed and deleted. It will automatically enable a chosen protection based on currently…

BestSoft Block USB Tool 2.0.3

BestSoft Block USB Tool 2.0.3  4216 

BestSoft Block USB tool is the best software that helps an individual or a system administrator control USB storage devices(USB…

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